Air pollution is classified as a human carcinogen, largely based on epidemiological studies of lung cancer. More recent studies have shown that exposure to atmospheric air pollution also increases the risk of breast cancer.

In a study of 89,247 women enrolled in the Canadian National Breast Cancer Survey, the authors found that the exposure to fine particulate air pollution is related to increased risk for breast cancer in Canadian women

The authors comment, "Our results support the hypothesis that exposure to low concentrations of PM2.5 increases the risk for pre-menopausal breast cancer."

Comment from the people sharing this content: Please note that levels of PM in Canada are significantly lower than those found in our geography.

Air pollution is classified as a human carcinogen, largely based on epidemiological studies of lung cancer. Recent research shows that exposure to air pollution also increases the risk of breast cancer.

В проучване при 89 247 жени, включени в канадското национално проучване за рак на гърдата, авторите са установили, че експозицията на населението на замърсяване на въздуха с фини прахови частици има отношение към повишаване на рак на гърдата при канадски жени

The authors say, "Our results support the hypothesis that exposure to low concentrations of PM2.5 increases the risk of premenopausal breast cancer."

Коментар на споделящият: Моля имайте предвид, че нивата на ФПЧ в Канада, са значително по-ниски от срещаните по нашите географски ширини.

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Air for health
Public benefit health association.

Sofia, Bulgaria.